On 8th April, Babeș-Bolyai University held an event with higher education institutions in the Romanian North-West Region of Development in order to reflect and agree together on a joint positioning of HEIs as regional stakeholders in smart specialisations. Following this meeting with 4 regional HEIs, on 20th April, UBB organised a workshop between HEIs and other stakeholders in the North-West Region of Development where the two parties debated on and finalised the joint positioning of HEIs’ role in RIS3 processes and their collaboration in smart specialisation strategies. This event met professionals from the 4 regional HEIs initially involved in the drafting of the joint positioning, and regional stakeholders from clusters, chambers of commerce and RIS3 experts. The following regional event will include new workshops between HEIs and other regional stakeholders from the quadruple helix, with the view to maximising the results of the implemented activities, especially of the HEIs’ joint positioning and of the needs list elaborated and ideas generated during the trainings by stakeholders from the quadruple helix; the list includes measures that can be implemented by regional universities in the context of RIS3, measures that can support RIS3 implementation, monitoring-assessment and revision activities, as well as measures that contribute to the cooperation between HEIs and the business environment, public authorities, regional development agencies and the civic society, and lastly measures that represent the common interest of various stakeholders, which should be implemented based on existing private and public resources.