Training Materials

Here you can access the training materials developed by the project to introduce the RE-ACT Framework and the SUNAR self-assessment tool.

The training package for Higher Education Institutions aimed to contribute to enhancing the self and shared perception about HEIs current positioning and awareness about the latent potential for HEIs to play a pivotal role in regional development strategies. Under the title “Enhancing HEI’s participation in regional smart specialisation strategies using self-assessment” this training package provided HEIs with an overview of the key concepts of the RE-ACT approach, as well as guidance for the use of the HEInnovate and SUNAR self-assessment tool. It also included support materials for the follow-up activities after HEIs have performed their self-assessment with the SUNAR tool.

Training package for Higher Education Institutions:

Enhancing HEI’s participation in regional smart specialisation strategies using self-assessment.

  • Trainers Manual (EN)
  • Guidelines for the selection of Trainers (EN)
  • Part I, Module 1: Introduction – the Entrepreneurial University (EN)
  • Part I, Module 2: Enhancing HEI’s participation in regional smart specialisation strategies using self-assessment (EN)
Additional material
  • Part I, Module 3: HEInnovate and the new HEInnovate for RIS3 (EN)
Additional material
  • Part II, Support tools for self-assessment and follow up (EN)

The training package for RIS3 stakeholders from the triple/quadruple helix, different from HEIs. Under the title “Enhancing multi-stakeholders’ capacity to engage in regional smart specialisation strategies”, the course offered regional actors a journey through the key concepts supporting SUNAR and its potential for supporting collaborative processes between the actors of the triple/ quadruple helix at regional level. This capacitation aimed to make key actors more aware, informed and willing to participate and contribute to regional development.

Training package for Other Stakeholders:

Enhancing multi-stakeholders’ capacity to engage in regional smart specialisation strategies.

  • Trainers Manual (EN)
  • Guidelines for the selection of Trainers and Trainees (EN)
  • Module 1: About and around RIS3: What, Why, What for? (EN)
Additional material
  • Module 2: The stakeholders of RIS3: Who? To whom? (EN)
Additional material
  • Module 3: Reach-out and benefit from RIS3: How? What now? (EN)
Additional material